How to use dslr

1.Mirror system inside lets you preview through the viewfinder the same image that is being captured on film/sensor vs. zoom lenses

3.kit lens

4.zoom vs. focus – don’t get them confused

5.AF (autofocus) vs. MF (manual focus)

6.​Now used to describe sensitivity of digital sensors in digital cameras

7.HIGH ISO value means the sensor will be MORE sensitive to light, meaning it will take LESS LIGHT to get the right exposure

8.choose the correct ISO for your shooting situation

9. higher speed to capture fast action 

10.hutter speed: how long the shutter is open

11.So, your shutter speed should be double 
your frame rate

12.Typical NTSC frame rate is 30 frames per second shake: occurs with a shutter speed slower than 1/ [focal length] of a second

14smaller number actually represents a larger opening

15he denominator becomes the f-stop number

16longer lenses APPEAR to have a shallower depth of field because they are magnifying 

17hallower depth of field because they are magnifying the subject, which flattens the perspective and makes our eyes think the DOF is shallower


  • mount
  • prime or zoom  
  • series

19maximum aperture

20focal length(s)


  • Most cameras have presets:
  •  daylight, cloudy, flash, various 
    indoor lights

22Setting the “correct” white balance setting tells the camera how to make your whites

23everything BUT lets you choose brightness, 

24Mirror system inside lets you preview through the viewfinder the same image that is being captured on film/sensor

25depth of field, picture style by pressing the Q button


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